The Tasmanian government was warned today that the growing movement against industrial salmon feedlots in coastal waters would spill into the next state elections. The warning came as more than 100 watercraft and 400 people on the beach gathered for the Join In Salmon Out protest at Coningham Beach on the D'Entrecasteaux Channel today.
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Seafood labelling for Hospitality
The Federal Government is investigating the introduction of mandatory seafood labelling for the hospitality industry. Submissions have now closed, but you can read NOFF's here.
Right to Information documents obtained by the Tasmanian Inquirer reveal that Tassal sought to block the public release of monitoring reports submitted to the Environment Protection Agency after using more than two tonnes of antibiotics at two of its fish farms. The Tasmanian salmon industry has used more than 31.4 tonnes of antibiotics in marine...
In what is being heralded as one of the world's largest fish farm projects, the aquaculture development company Pure Salmon has signed a £420m (A$755m) deal with the Saudi government to build a huge RAS facility in Saudi Arabia.
Legitimate questions about the fate of protected fur seals spotted in a Tassal salmon pen in the D'Entrecasteaux Channel provoked industry ire today (see below). "The industry's defensiveness is not unexpected' says Peter George, president of the Tasmanian Alliance for Marine Protection (TAMP). "Considering its track record of causing seal deaths...
The Tasmanian Alliance for Marine Protection (TAMP) has received updated information on reports of protected Tasmanian fur seals trapped in a floating salmon cage for at least a week. Further reports from water users report the seals were trapped in a Tassal salmon cage in the third pen from the south end of the Simmonds lease at the northern end...
The administration and supervision of open-net fish farming in Iceland are weak and fragmented, according to a newly-released report from the Icelandic National Audit Office (INAO). It paints a dark picture of the administration and supervision of the fish farming industry, which has grown rapidly in Iceland over the past decade. Changes in fish...
When drivers on US Highway 94 pass this tiny town, some are struck by a mysterious nocturnal glow. Pink light emanates from the world's largest aquaponic greenhouse, which can produce up to 2 million kilograms of salad greens each year. Less obvious, but also unique at this scale, is the source of the nutrients used to fertilize the crops:...