The evidence is in and scientists are calling for urgent conservation action, after monitoring revealed that the Maugean skate population has rapidly declined by almost half in Macquarie Harbour, Tasmania – their last remaining habitat and one that is significantly impacted by human activity.
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Hon Jo Palmer
Minister for Primary Industries.
A recent survey by respected polling organisation UComms, on behalf of The Australia Institute, shows that a majority of Tasmanians are concerned about the health of our coastal and estuarine marine environments, and that they lack confidence in the ability of the State government's environmental laws and regulatory systems to adequately manage...
Republishing this article for the purposes of archiving and referencing for public submissions.
Article published for reference purposes only. Originally published in the Tasmanian Mercury, 15 April 2023,
Salmon Tasmania lobbyist Lyall Howard on the future of the salmon industry in Tasmanian waters
The Mercury reported on an Inquiry into Australia's food security where newly appointed Salmon Tasmania Lobbyist Lyle Howard was asked about the future of the Salmon industry operating in Tasmanian Waters.
As reported in The Mercury (30 March 2023), the Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) and leading marine scientists have panned new draft regulations for the industry. The EDO has called for a pause in the development of the new regulations, which they say are unclear, below international best practice and are not based on the best available...
Meanwhile – in Iceland
A major conference based in Iceland witnessed the impact of Tasmanian industrial Atlantic salmon feedlots on the state's waterways. The conference, in the Icelandic capital Reykjavik, viewed the Neighbours of Fish Farming film Toxic Tsunami featuring independent MP, Kristie Johnston. You can view it here.