The Icelandic singer and activist is releasing a single with Spanish star Rosalía to support action against intensive salmon farming. She talks about being a guardian of Iceland's wilderness and how young people will make real change.
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Tasmania's salmon industry in September said it would partner with Australia's fisheries research body in a major initiative to artificially boost oxygen levels in Macquarie Harbour.
"The $2.1million spend amounts to a further subsidy paid for by the Tasmanian public to prolong the Industry's unsustainable presence in the harbour. Salmon absolutely needs to be out of the harbour to restore the dissolved oxygen levels and protect the final critical habitat for the skate for generations to come."
The team charged with planning the protection of the endangered Maugean skate in Macquarie Harbour has issued a second communique that utterly fails to address the mostly urgent issues.
Sick and dying fish were headed for consumers believes Norwegian Food Safety Authority. The findings were unveiled following an unannounced inspection in September.
Two years ago the salmon industry claimed in full page advertisements that 12,000 Tasmanians worked "either directly or indirectly in the salmon industry, making this one of Tasmania's biggest employers".
Leading Tasmanian fine food retail business Hill Street Grocer is facing calls to stop selling salmon and ocean trout produced in Macquarie Harbour, after scientific advice warned fish farming is a leading factor driving the critically endangered Maugean skate to extinction.
A member of the Maugean skate recovery team has asked Tasmania's environmental watchdog to reject the renewal of salmon farm licences in Macquarie Harbour, which are due to expire in November. Dr Leonardo Guida, a shark scientist with the Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) and member of the Maugean skate recovery team, said the fish was...