The Guardian reports on the Icelandic and Spanish singers first collaboration. Björk said large-scale farming has had a 'devastating effect on wildlife' in her country. In a statement accompanying the announcement, Björk wrote: "People at the fjord Seyðisfjörður have stood up and protested against fish farming starting there. We would like to...
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Salmon Tasmania said (Friday 29 September 2023) it had teamed with Australian Government's Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) and the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) to place a barge on the harbour to manufacture an increased level of oxygen to help save the endangered Maugean skate.
This campaign calls for fast, muscular intervention from the Federal Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek to protect Tasmania's marine and bird life from salmon industry operations in the state's coastal waters.
Tasmanian Premier’s junket
Desperate to expand beyond Macquarie Harbour where it has been a major contributor to the pollution that is driving Maugean skate to extinction, Petuna today played host to the Tasmanian Premier and ministers in a bid to expand into Storm Bay.
TAMP calls for revocation of environmental licences for salmon industry in Macquarie Harbour
The state's peak marine protection body, TAMP, calls for environmental licences permitting salmon industry operations in Macquarie Harbour to be revoked.
Salmon industry a "catastrophic" threat to Tasmanian living dinosaurs: new Government advice. Supermarkets urged to halt sale of some salmon products.
Today, environmental NGOs (non-government organisations) around Tasmania are calling for action to protect the endangered Maugean skate and representation on the newly formed Maugean Skate Recovery Team. Despite there being a range of Tasmanian-based NGOs that focus on Tasmanian marine conservation, threatened species and the impacts of salmon...
Greenwashing rife in salmon industry, Senate Inquiry submission backed by statewide groups.
Claims of 'green' and 'sustainable' by the Atlantic salmon industry should be investigated according to a Tasmanian-wide coalition's submission to the Federal Senate inquiry into Greenwashing.