Advice ignored, now ecosystem faces collapse - early modelling of the salmon industry's impact on Macquarie Harbour was fraught, writes Alex Schapp, former director of the Tasmanian EPA (The Mercury (paywalled) 14 February 2024).
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AWU’s cynical vote harvesting over Macquarie Harbour - voting war hots up over salmon workers
The stunning hypocrisy of the national AWU wading into the controversy over Macquarie Harbour is predictable and desperate. (The Mercury, Feb 12, 2024). With a state election looming, the AWU is less interested in looking after the long-term welfare of West Coast workers than in short-term political gain.
The overwhelming evidence from scientists who have studied the health of Macquarie Harbour for many years clearly demonstrates the drastic impact of the Atlantic salmon industry on the waterway's health and the declining population of Maugean skate.
In response media statements by Luke Martin, lobbyist for Salmon Tasmania, the following statement is issued on behalf of TAMP:
NOFF teams with Sustainable Investment Exchange (SIX) to target Coles, Woolies on Maugean skate
NOFF is pleased to be part of the Sustainable Investment Exchange (SIX) national campaign to drive change to the salmon supply chain of major supermarkets to protect and ensure the future of the threatened Maugean skate in Tasmania's Macquarie Harbour.
The Roadmap for the recovery of the Maugean skate in Macquarie Harbour, released today, should mark a turning point for the survival of a relic of the era of dinosaurs. While action should have been taken before this summer's marine heatwave, as recommended by a Federal scientific advisory body, the roadmap should lead to the removal of the salmon...
The Saturday Paper reports that Anthony Albanese's visit to Tassal's salmon plant in the south of Tasmania on January 17 was a calculated provocation. Albanese appeared before the media in a vest embroidered with "Albo" and a hat printed with the Tassal logo. The office of prime minister is now open to corporate sponsorship. He is happy to be used...
The Tasmanian Alliance for Marine Protection (TAMP) supports plans by Friends of the Bays to hold a peaceful protest at the Sandy Bay Regatta Ocean swim sponsored by Atlantic salmon producer, Tassal.