Tasmania's largest salmon company used a controversial antibiotic to control a potentially deadly fish disease just weeks before Premier Jeremy Rockliff called the state election, but the company and government made no public announcement at the time, reports the Tasmanian Inquirer.
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New York sues JBS for consumer greenwashing
New York is suing JBS, the world's biggest meat company and owner of Huon Aquaculture, for misleading customers about its climate commitments. Letitia James's lawsuit accuses JBS of deceiving customers about being climate-friendly – and the implications could be far-reaching, reports The Guardian.
Tasmanian vote undermines power of multinational salmon industry - NOFF welcomes election outcome
One clear winner from the Tasmanian elections will be the state's marine life and waterways. The final makeup of the Parliament will ensure the multinational salmon industry will be held to account for the damage it does to the state's natural heritage.
Douglas Frantz and Catherine Collins, authors of Salmon Wars: The Dark Underbelly of Our Favorite Fish, report in Time Magazine on why 865 million farmed salmon world wide have died in mass die-offs in the last decade. They cite a recent scientific study published in Nature Scientific Reports. The scientists blame the deaths on several factors,...
Farmed salmon certifications confirm complicity while supermarkets profit from extinction
Eco-certifications BAP and GLOBAL.G.A.P. have dismissed formal complaints by conservation groups asking them to stop endorsing Macquarie Harbour salmon farms that are having a "catastrophic" impact on the endangered Maugean Skate.
An artwork Salmon Feast that draws attention to the damaging impact of industrial salmon farms in Tasmanian waters has won the $2000 first prize in the big annual art awards in the Huon Valley.
This week both Liberal and Labor have pledged unconditional support of the Salmon industry, currying favour amongst voters for the coming State election. Both major parties will continue supporting pollution of Hobart's drinking water catchment via flow through hatcheries, permit the continued evasion of corporate tax by the industry, in favour of...
Leading health media group Croakey Media leads with a strong article on NOFF's calls for health professionals not to recommend industrially-farmed Tasmanian salmon (there are alternatives). The well-researched article features extensive evidence citations and recommendations for further reading, and a video message from Jess Coughlan, NOFF...