The extinction diet - Tasmanian Atlantic Salmon versus the Maugean Skate - John Paull, PhD, University of Tasmania, 2023. Asks "If the price of Tasmanian Atlantic Salmon is extinction for the Maugean Skate, is the price too high".
Making mountains out of minnows: salmon in the Tasmanian economy - The Australia Institute 2019 - the industry claims great economic benefit to Tasmania, but it accounts for just 1% of jobs in the state. Over 5 years $3.8 billion worth of fish were sold, but just $64 million tax paid, while $9.3 million in subsidies were received in 2 years. Changing generous leasing arrangements to the Norwegian model could raise $2 billion for community development.
Salmon and finfish aquaculture impact zones 2023 – this detailed and well-researched map, prepared by TAMP and TPMP, shows the areas of Tasmania currently in use, and threatened by planned expansion.
Small fish, big pond: Tasmanian salmon industry job numbers & tax payments - The Australia Institute 2023 - highlights the modest jobs numbers and tax payments by the Tasmanian salmon industry.
Tasmanian farmed Atlantic salmon fats testing - a controlled, impartial scientific analysis, commissioned in 2021 by NOFF, of the fat content of farmed salmon purchased in Victorian supermarkets.
Tasmanian salmon industry website usability and content - NOFF November 2019 – an analysis of the usability and information content of the websites of Tassal, Huon Aquaculture, Petuna, EPA and DPIPWE
User-tracking technologies of Tasmanian salmon farm websites - NOFF 2023 – an analysis of the third parties which may have access to your search information when you access the three salmon farm websites, and those of NRET, EPA (and NOFF!)