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The recent report from the Tasmanian Legislative Council Finfish Enquiry is a devastating analysis of pretty well every aspect of industrial salmon farming in Tasmania. It calls for the removal of pens from the shallow waters of our coasts and rivers, and a halt to expansion without genuine research. (News update – the Government's response is...

The Tasmanian Government has launched a so-called research project on aquaculture in Bass Strait, in Commonwealth waters off Burnie. The Federal Government has agreed that Tasmania can manage the application and regulation of pollution, wildlife protection and other standards in Commonwealth waters. The project will be managed by Blue Economy CRC,...

The existence of secret maps – denied by government for weeks – that identify areas of Tasmania's coastline suitable for industrial salmon production has been confirmed at a webinar of scientists.

TAMP and NOFF today called on Tasmanian Premier Gutwein to reassure Tasmanians after plans to sell salmon producer Huon Aquaculture to a Brazilian multinational with a reputation for corruption were revealed at night on Friday.

The scale and cause of the deaths of a large number of farmed salmon in February remain a mystery, with documents obtained by the ABC revealing the director of Tasmania's environmental watchdog assured the fish producer he "did not provide a detailed or complete response" to questions from the broadcaster.

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