VOTE SALMON OUT! at White Beach, Nubeena 30 March 2025


Tasman Peninsula Marine Protection are hosting a public rally to continue the momentum of the successful rally held last month on Carlton Beach. The Tasman Peninsula has has to endure fish farming for a number of years now and the community has witnessed the destruction of bays including Stingaree and Long Bays at Port Arthur and the bays off White Beach and Nubeena.

The salmon industry are expanding in Storm bay which will put more of our beautiful bays on the Peninsula at risk.

With a Federal election looming and both parties behind the salmon industry, it's time to VOTE SALMON OUT!

Come along, wear red and lets put a line in the sand to show that you support no more salmon in our waterways.

1pm – 4pm Sunday 30 March at White Beach, Nubeena.

Click here for more information