NOFF urges Tasmanian cross-bench to demand release of long-overdue State of the Environment report

NOFF calls on the newly-empowered cross-bench in the Tasmanian lower house to demand an immediate release of the State of the Environment report, holding the Government and the Minister to account if they fail to do so. The State has failed to publish an environmental report for fifteen years despite a statutory obligation requiring a report every five years.
In the interests of open, transparent and accountable government, NOFF calls for the immediate release of the completed State of the Environment report and supports the open letter signed by 26 organisations representing a broad spectrum of Tasmania's population.
NOFF decries the State's failure to publish an environmental report for fifteen years despite its statutory obligations requiring a report every five years. Waiting further until November to publish such a crucial document should not be an option.
"NOFF condemns this government's absolute failure, year after year, to provide Tasmanians with a clear understanding of what's happening to the island's environment - while encouraging mining, forestry and salmon industries to expand behind a wall of silence that obscures their impact on land and in the water," says Peter George, president of NOFF.
"NOFF calls on the newly-empowered cross-benches to demand an immediate release of the State of the Environment report - and to hold the government and the minister to account if they fail to do so.
"Independents, JLN and Greens have all committed to demanding accountability from the government and now's the perfect opportunity to do just that"
More information:
Jess Coughlan, Campaigner: 0431 684 741
Lisa Litjens, Vice President: 0400 461 624