Nationwide advertising campaign alerting mainland consumers to false marketing of Tasmanian-produced Atlantic salmon

NOFF has launched a nationwide advertising campaign in the run up to Christmas, alerting mainland consumers to false marketing of Tasmanian-produced Atlantic salmon as "clean, green, sustainable and healthy". The advertising blitz had already been viewed more than 100,000 times on social media within days of being rolled out.
It is part of a broader campaign, UnCage Our Seas, being launched in the lead-up to Christmas, which will include Australia-wide messaging to chefs, restaurants and patrons as well as targeting supermarkets to stop labelling Atlantic salmon from Tasmania as "sustainable".
Full details of further elements in the UnCage Our Seas campaign will be announced at a public meeting at the Hobart Town Hall on Wednesday, November 29, between noon and 1pm. The campaign will run until Christmas and be re-launched with new material early in the New Year.
"Australian consumers nationwide can help save Tasmania's waterways and marine life from the depredations of the foreign-owned Atlantic salmon industry which trashes our island's marine heritage for profits that go offshore, apparently without even paying tax," says Peter George, president of NOFF. The wake-up call will come when Australian consumers stop buying the lie. That's when the salmon barons will have to move on land or watch their market wither and die."
"While NOFF advocates for sustainable jobs in a sustainable industry, the salmon barons are so arrogant they reckon they won't "concede one fish nor one job" even to save Macquarie Harbour and the Maugham skate from extinction. No wonder Tasmanians want them out."
"This is Fine" advertising campaign
The new NOFF advertising campaign features six animated "memes" - "This is Fine" - that draw inspiration from what has been described as "the meme that defined a decade" and the "Mona Lisa of Memes" *
Six animated memes depict a cartoon Atlantic salmon saying "This is Fine" when confronted by the industry's destruction of marine life and habitat. The subtext of the series is the industry's and the Tasmanian government's wilful ignorance or rejection of reality.
All six "This is Fine" memes can be seen here.
The advertising is finely tuned to target consumers by gender, age and location and directs consumers to more information about each:
- Gigantic salmon cages
- Filth that pours out of them
- Destruction of marine life
- Rubbish on beaches
- Rocky reefs smothered
- Threats of extinction
NOFF has engaged a specialist in online advertising which allows the organisation to track reaction, interaction and responses.
NOFF's series of "This is Fine" memes have been produced with the permission and encouragement of the creator of the original meme, KC Green, featuring a dog sitting at a table in a room being destroyed by fire, commenting "This is Fine".
Media advice:
NOFF president, Peter George, will be available for media: parliament house lawns, 12.30pm Wednesday Nov 21
More information: Peter George
- 0426 150 369