Maugean skate: the first species in history to be researched into extinction?

Federal Minister Tanya Plibersek's department has announced that the assessment timeframe for deciding whether to list the endangered Maugean Skate as critically endangered has been extended by a year "to enable enough time to consider public comments and to finalise the assessment." This delay by Commonwealth scientists must not be used as an excuse for the Environment Minister to delay a decision on removing the salmon industry from the waterway.
"The minister's responsibility to protect the skate and Australia's international obligations to prevent its extinction are in no way diminished by the latest development," says Peter George, President of NOFF. "The scientists' overwhelming consensus remains that the minister needs to act 'urgently' on the major threat to the skate's existence and that's the impact of polluting salmon feedlots. The scientists warn of 'catastrophic' consequences if she fails to act.
"It would be a dereliction of duty if the Minister delays her decision any longer, particularly if she thinks she can delay it until after the Federal election due by May next year. That would be a cynical political exercise at the expense of a 60-million-year old animal that exists only in Macquarie Harbour.
"At this rate, the Maugean skate may well end up as the first animal in history to have been researched into extinction.
"A rapid decision "as soon as practical" is required by the EPBC Act and is in the best interests of Tasmania and the west coast community but must not be made as a result of the bullying of the salmon industry's overseas owners."
- More information: Peter George: 0426 150 369