Health group features NOFF's call for health professionals not to recommend industrially farmed salmon

Leading health media group Croakey Media leads with a strong article on NOFF's calls for health professionals not to recommend industrially-farmed Tasmanian salmon (there are alternatives). The well-researched article features extensive evidence citations and recommendations for further reading, and a video message from Jess Coughlan, NOFF Campaigner.
Croakey outlines NOFF's concerns about Australian dietary guidelines, and the need to clearly identify farmed versus wild-caught products for consumers. They discuss the international situation, the federal political scene and the coming Tasmanian elections, together with NOFF's concerns about pollution (environmental, noise, light, microplastics), food quality and health, and extinctions in Macquarie Harbour.
Read the full report, and check out the videos there and on the NOFF website.