Labor and Liberal both give certainty to polluting industry, in spite of public concern

This week both Liberal and Labor have pledged unconditional support of the Salmon industry, currying favour amongst voters for the coming State election. Both major parties will continue supporting pollution of Hobart's drinking water catchment via flow through hatcheries, permit the continued evasion of corporate tax by the industry, in favour of its overseas owners, and wave through controversial expansions.
Labor and Liberal both pledge support for continued operations in Macquarie Harbour, with no mention of the scientifically proven adverse impacts that such operations are having and will continue to have on the endangered Maugean Skate.
They also support expansion into Storm Bay, threatening the endangered Red Handfish.
The Liberal position is effectively identical to Labor's, wrapped up in references to their much-vaunted Salmon Plan, which used to be called the Ten Year Salmon Plan, but now lacks any quantifications or target dates. "If there are no dates, it's not a plan, it's just wishful thinking" said Glenn Sanders, NOFF Secretary.
Both major parties ignore repeated evidence that a clear majority of Tasmanian electors favour removal of salmon pens from our coastal rivers and seas, and want the industry much more strongly regulated. The Minister has recently admitted that the industry has much to do to regain their social licence and community support.
"Successive Tasmanian Governments have inflated the salmon industry's importance and rolled out the red carpet for polluters against the best interest of Tasmanians, their public assets, marine heritage, and their concerns" said Peter George, NOFF President.
- NOFF does not support or endorse any political party. We support any organisation or individual who wants to see industrial salmon farms removed from our shallow rivers and coastal seas.
- More information: Peter George, President, Neighbours of Fish Farming 0426 150 369