Industrial salmon star in horror movie – RSPCA challenged


NOFF today challenges the RSPCA to justify its continued support for the multinational salmon industry in Tasmania as it releases a horrific video revealing shocking conditions in which fish live and die.

The confronting 13-minute exposé of the global Atlantic salmon industry, "Factories of Living Waste" depicts the brutal conditions in which salmon live and the parasites, diseases and deformities that kill them. The video is being distributed Australia-wide through animal
welfare organisations.

"This exposé clearly shows the RSPCA cannot justify being paid to shelter an industry that is a by-word for cruelty," says Peter George, president of NOFF. "We have written to the RSPCA asking why it would squander its hard-earned reputation on an industry that that would shame any humane farming operation."

Huon Aquaculture, owned by Brazilian multinational, JBS, pays the RSPCA an undisclosed sum every year for the organisation's endorsement of its Tasmanians operations despite pressure to withdraw from the agreement.

Lisa Litjens, NOFF vice president for animal welfare says: "We've tried in the past to engage with the RSPCA but they have continued to defend the indefensible. That's why we're going public. "As "Factories of Living Waste" shows, the RSPCA's touted 'five freedoms' of animal welfare are simply not met in the salmon cages.
"We challenge the RSPCA and the multinationals that own the Tasmanian industry to permit independent, public inspection and monitoring without pre-conditions of salmon leases and cages. Speaking candidly, it's not a challenge they would risk accepting because the truth would be too shocking."

The video has been made with the assistance of NOFF's global allies. The footage draws on
Tasmanian and international sources because filming in Tasmanian leases would result in
draconian trespass charges, huge fines and potential jail terms for anyone entering a lease
without permission.

"The international evidence shows claims of "world's best practice" is a lie behind which
multinationals hide when the truth is shameful," says Ms Litjens. "As our film shows, the conditions are so appalling that "many fish just give up on life and die."
In Tasmanian, the number fish mortalities is not routinely published but industry sources have confirmed to NOFF that tens of thousands of fish have died slowly this year alone from disease, oxygen starvation and warming waters."