Atlantic salmon industry takes leaf out of climate denialist playbook

The overwhelming evidence from scientists who have studied the health of Macquarie Harbour for many years clearly demonstrates the drastic impact of the Atlantic salmon industry on the waterway's health and the declining population of Maugean skate.
Now the multinationals who own the Atlantic salmon business in Tasmania are taking a leaf out of the climate denialist playbook.
In a statement, NOFF President Peter George said that the waterway's future must be determined by independent science, not through cherry-picking conclusions by hired consultants producing outlier reports that conflict with highly-skilled, experienced and dedicated scientists who have studied the waterway and the skate for many years.
"For Salmon Tasmania to fall back on one outlier report shows the desperation of foreign-owned salmon companies that avoid paying tax, have no stake in Tasmania's future and wish to protect the profits they take offshore.
"The salmon industry is seeking a way out of its culpability for driving the Maugean skate toward extinction, for the damage it is doing to the waterway's health and for the impact it is having on Tasmania's reputation as a source of clean and sustainable produce.
"When lobbyist Salmon Tasmania speaks of protecting industry families, it's not Tasmanian families it's protecting but the Brazilian Batista family and the Canadian Cooke family who pull Salmon Tasmania's strings and reap profits at the expense of Tasmanians and their precious waterways.
"Who can trust companies like Huon - owned by Brazilian JBS - and Tassal - owned by Canadian Cooke Aquaculture - with Tasmania's heritage when both have shocking environmental global records?
"When they've finished their destructive practices in Macquarie Harbour and they can no longer sustain their salmon feedlots, they'll walk away without a backwards glance at the workers they leave behind - and without reparations for the damage they've inflicted."
More information:
- Peter George: 0426 150 369
- NOFF submission to Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act review
- Salmon Tasmania submission