55 percent do not buy Tasmanian salmon
The Hobart Mercury's Big Issues survey (3 January 2023) shows that the vast majority of respondents, 78.5 per cent, do not believe monitoring of the salmon industry is adequate. 50.47 per cent of respondents supported salmon farming, while 40.53 did not. Nearly 55 per cent do not buy or consume Tasmanian-grown salmon.
Neighbours of Fish Farming president Peter George said support for the industry had collapsed. "The Mercury's survey of its readers is a shocker for the multinational-owned salmon industry and for the Tasmanian politicians who blindly cave-in to its demands," he said.
"The collapse will accelerate as the rapacious industry crams more and more fish cages into Tasmania's South-East waters and colonise Bass Strait.
"Four out of five Tasmanians recognise the abject failure of the government's policing of the industry's impact on marine life, waterways and coastal communities while most refuse to eat salmon because of its toxic reputation."
Mr George said NOFF supported salmon farming, but only if it was moved on to land and he hoped the government and industry would heed "growing demand for change".
Hobart Mercury Big Issues survey (paywalled)