This is fine?
How can you say "This is Fine," … when obviously it's not?
Because it's wilful ignorance.
This enigmatic phrase, described as the Mona Lisa of words, aptly describes the arrogance of the Atlantic salmon industry towards the beautiful island of Tasmania and some of Australia's most beautiful waterways.
Gigantic salmon cages. Filth that pours out of them. Destruction of marine life. Rubbish on beaches. Rocky reefs smothered.
What used to be an immense wonder is becoming an immense industrial zone.
This is NOT fine.
More than 70% of Tasmanians want salmon cages out of their waters – so many that even a state government minister reckons the industry's lost its social licence.
This island, these waters belong to all of us. They're part of Australia's heritage, a gateway to the Great Southern Ocean and the Antarctic, a gift to the world.
Download the Giphy app to your device, search for #thisisnotfine and share our animated memes with all your friends on every platform - enjoy!
Read more about each of them:
Wherever you are, this is your Tassie, too
NOFF's series of "This is Fine" memes have been produced with the permission and encouragement of the creator of the original meme, KC Green, featuring a dog sitting at a table in a room being destroyed by fire, commenting "This is Fine".